Picky Eater Rituals

About Me

What I'm willing to consumer is a matter of rituals.

And Yet...
I still find myself looking for gems beyond my vision.

A handbook of dos and don'ts that seem to sway the movement of decisions.

Picky Eater Rituals

A picky eater guidebook.

Picky Eater Recipes

S'mores? Yes. Double Chocolate S'mores? Absolutely.

I don’t make the rules, I may bend them tho.

Lava Cake is a Kitchen Staple. Prove me wrong.

The Ultimate Lava Cake Breakdown.

Bake like the Boss We Know We Are.

How to Bake Quicker with Less Mess.

Let's LIE about the difficulty of Monkey Bread.

Sometimes a Fib is the best option.