Inside the Diary

Of A

Picky Eater

I find myself spilling my own dish into the idyllic pages of this dairy.

Picky Eater Rituals

What am I looking for?

I have questioned this idea of good food and foods that are suited for my tastes for most of my food trips. When I dig down and think of what I really desire, what I’m looking for in food, and what I consider to be good food. I think about the first bite. The moment at which your mind and senses and a dance of enjoyment explodes and endorphins rush through my body. I haven’t been able to decide why I find myself disappointed in some first bites but…

Ethos Probing

Where the spirit comes to life.

The Body. The Accessory.


When writing a review of any sort, a wealth of consideration goes into it. I understand that while positive reviews enact positive reactions, that negative

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Six Sense Stories

My Comfort Spot in Korea

A time ago, or at least what feels like a while ago, I studied abroad in Seoul, South Korea. And among the many vivid memories and insightful moments, there’s a place that stays warm in my heart..